Tape Data Recovery

Our team offers tape data recovery services for various tape formats, including LTO, DLT, DAT, AIT, and more. If you have experienced data loss on tapes due to physical damage, equipment failure, or accidental deletion, our team of experts can efficiently and securely recover your vital data.

Tape Data Recovery
Certified Tape Recovery Service

Tape Data Recovery becomes necessary under several circumstances, such as accidental data deletion, physical tape damage, or even during equipment malfunction. In such critical situations, PITS Global Data Recovery Services comes to the rescue with its wide-ranging expertise in handling all types of tape cartridges, be it LTO, DLT, DAT, AIT, or others. Our skilled technicians use advanced technology and proprietary techniques to restore your lost data quickly and accurately. ensuring your business continuity remains unhampered.

Tape Data Recovery Services for All Types

Digital data tapes have been a reliable option for securely storing critical information for over 30 years. Unlike standard HDDs, SSDs, and RAID arrays, tapes have proven less susceptible to failure, providing businesses with a layer of confidence. However, it’s important to acknowledge that even though tapes are durable, they can still encounter logical or physical damage.

In such unfortunate cases, losing vital backups on tapes can devastate your business. That’s where our company comes in. We specialize in repairing and recovering tapes, catering to all cartridge formats. With our expertise, you can rest assured that your valuable data will be handled with utmost care and precision, ensuring the continuity and security of your business operations.

At PITS Global Data Recovery Services, we understand that each tape format has its unique structure and data storage methods. Therefore, our team has the latest tools and knowledge to handle all tape data recovery needs. From magnetic tapes used in legacy systems to modern digital tape cartridges, our experts have the expertise and experience to retrieve your lost data.

LTO Tape Recovery

Linear Tape-Open is a magnetic tape format used for data storage in medium to large-scale applications. LTO tapes are commonly used in enterprises for backup and archiving purposes. Our team has experience in recovering data from all generations of LTO tapes, including LTO-1, LTO-2, LTO-3, LTO-4, LTO-5, LTO-6, and the latest LTO-7.

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DLT Tape Recovery

Digital Linear Tape (DLT) is another popular tape format used for data backup and storage. It offers high storage capacity and fast transfer speeds, making it ideal for large-scale data centers. Our team has the expertise to retrieve data from various DLT tape generations, including DLT IV, DLT VS80, and Super DLT tapes.

S-AIT and AIT Tape Recovery

S-AIT and AIT are tape formats developed by Sony for high-capacity data storage. These tapes are commonly used in large-scale applications, such as data centers and media production. Our experts have the expertise to recover data from all types of S-AIT and AIT tapes, including AIT-1, AIT-2, AIT-3, AIT-4, SAIT-1, and SAIT-2.

DDS Tape Recovery

Digital Data Storage tapes are a popular choice for small-scale data backup and storage. These tapes offer high data density and fast transfer rates, making them suitable for critical applications. Our team can handle all generations of DDS tapes, including DDS-1, DDS-2, and DDS-4.

DAT Tape Recovery

Digital Audio Tape is a compact tape format used for storing digital audio recordings. It is also commonly used in small-scale data backup applications. Our team has the necessary skills and equipment to handle all types of DAT tapes, including DDS/DAT, DAT72, and DDS-3.

Backup Tape Recovery

In addition to specific tape formats, our team also offers backup tape recovery services for various other types of tapes. Whether you use 8mm tapes, QIC tapes, or any other type of magnetic tape for data storage and backup, our experts can assist in retrieving your lost data.

Apart from the mentioned tape formats, our team can handle various other tape types, including LTO Ultrium Universal Cleaning Cartridges, Travan tapes, and more. No matter what type of tape you use, our specialists can help recover your valuable data.

Tapes Failed - What to do?

Taking immediate action is crucial if you are facing a tape failure and cannot access your critical data. In such a situation, every passing moment can mean the potential loss of valuable information. To mitigate the risks and increase the chances of data recovery, consider reaching out to a professional data recovery service provider.

We have the expertise and tools to effectively manage tape failures. We use industry-standard techniques to recover your data and reduce disruptions to your operations. Remember, taking quick action can significantly protect your valuable information and guarantee business continuity.

Steps to take if your Tapes have failed:

  1. Do not attempt to recover the data yourself: Trying to retrieve data from a failed tape on your own can cause further damage and make the recovery process more challenging. It is best to leave it to the experts.
  2. Contact our PITS Global Data Recovery Services team: Our specialists have the necessary tools and expertise to handle all tape data recovery needs. We also offer an emergency data recovery service, ensuring a prompt response and fast turnaround time to minimize downtime.

3. Send your failed tape to us for evaluation: Pack your damaged tape carefully and ship it to our secure data recovery facility. Our team will perform a comprehensive assessment and provide you with an accurate quote for the recovery.

4. Approve the quote and start the recovery process: Once you receive it, you can approve it and begin the tape data recovery process. Our team will provide you with regular updates as we progress through the process to ensure transparency and peace of mind.

Common Data Loss Reasons on Tapes:

  • Physical Damage
  • Environmental Factors
  • Improper Storage
  • Magnetic Fields
  • Overuse
  • Dirty Drive Heads
  • Tape Aging
  • Mechanical Failure
  • Manufacturer Defects
  • Accidental Deletion or Overwriting
Only One Company Does Remote File Verification Session

Our file verification process via remote session is integral to customer satisfaction. Unlike other companies, we are the only ones offering this unique service. Following successful data recovery, we initiate a remote session that allows our customers to peruse and check their files on their own.

Customer File Verification Preview
Our Customers' Testimonials

Tape recovery is a complex process that requires specialized knowledge and equipment. At PITS, our team has the expertise and experience to retrieve data from various tape formats, including LTO, DLT, DAT, S-AIT, and AIT. We understand the importance of your data and are committed to providing efficient and reliable tape recovery services to help you retrieve lost information. Contact us today for more information or assistance recovering data from your damaged or corrupted tapes.

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Data Recovery Reviews
Average rating 4.9
This company is rated 4.9 out of 5.0 based on 6215 review(s)
Avatar of Matthew Leal
Matthew Leal
Apr 18, 2024
My data was successfully recovered! I'm so happy with this service. Emma was an excellent customer service rep and helped me through the account verification process with ease. Thanks so much!
Apr 18, 2024
To be honest, I am super happy and satisfied with the delivered service by PITS Global. I have met so many people and read reviews of many others with their amazing experience at PITS. Firstly, I had ... a nice chat with my account manager, John, before shipping them the device. He even sent me a prepaid shipping label for my 4TB WD blue HDD)) Happy to say, I shipped then the device very next day and waited for ny evaluation results. So after 3 days, they sent me an email with the quote and a whole explanation of my hdd’s problem, so I can have a better understanding of their service. The pricing was fair and I decided to move with the standard procedure. Fast forward, after couple days, I got a call from Filip for the verification session. The final results were not what I expected because PITS could get ALL of my data without a missing file. These folks are the real professionals in their field and I am super blessed that I had a chance to work with them. High five for excellent results!)
(Read More)
Apr 17, 2024
My data was fully recovered, I am very pleased
Avatar of Iorvor Daniel
Iorvor Daniel
Apr 17, 2024
Huge thanks to Eric and all of the engineers that work at PITS. These guys could recover 2TB of my data from corrupted Seagate HDD. Before shipping them my device, I had a talk with many other ... companies but the PITS grabbed my attention, so we moved forward with them. They truly ARE the professionals!
(Read More)
Avatar of Kimberly Zamora
Kimberly Zamora
Apr 16, 2024
I have been using my brother's 2TB WD HDD for a while but last month when It was connected to my laptop, we had a power surge which affected the device. I knew that he will be furious if he finds out, ... so I needed to move quick. A whilee ago, I already had a talk with PITS but never used them, so I believe this was the time. I explained them the situation, shipped the device, approved the recovery process and just waited, just waited.....But thankfully within only few days, Filip called me that they recovered everything, so it's time for a verification session. I jumped on my computer, had to see all of the files like nothing happened to the drive and approved the same second. Thanks to PITS, my brother never found out, so I am incredibly thankful for the job they have done
(Read More)
Doug Kellogg
Apr 16, 2024
During a routine system update, our office’s 24TB RAID 6 array with operational data experienced a catastrophic failure. Thankfully, PITS Global Data Recovery in Los Angeles was recommended by a ... fellow technician. We had a good talk with Eric and moved forward to the recovery process after receiving our evaluation results. I personally was in constant in touch with them because of my stressful situation but they were incredibly professional and never let me down during any of our calls. I am putting 5 stars for their communication and another 5 stars for the successful recovery of the data. Losing this data could have definitely disrupted our tech startup's operations for months
(Read More)

Frequently Asked Questions

A Tape Data Recovery Service is a specialized service where experts retrieve lost data from various tape formats, such as LTO, DLT, DAT, and S-AIT. The process involves sophisticated techniques and equipment to safely extract the data without causing further damage to the tapes.

Although the goal is to recover all data, the recovery process’s success can vary depending on the tape damage’s severity. In extreme cases, retrieving all data might not be possible. However, our PITS team has a high success rate in recovering lost data from various tape formats.

The time taken for the tape data recovery process can vary, depending on the level of damage and the type of tape. Once we have assessed the tapes, we can provide a more accurate estimate.

Yes, but it is important to package them securely to avoid physical damage during transit. We suggest using bubble wrap or other protective materials for this purpose.

At PITS, we adhere to strict data privacy policies. All data recovered during the process is treated with the utmost confidentiality. We do not share your data with any third parties and only retain your data for a limited period post-recovery, as per our privacy policy.

If you suspect that your tape has failed or is corrupted, avoid trying to access the data or repair the tape yourself. This could lead to further damage. Instead, turn off the tape drive to prevent additional data loss and contact a professional tape data recovery service like PITS Global Data Recovery Services.

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