Quantrum Tape Backup Data Recovered
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Tape backup is a type of data backup that stores information on magnetic tape. Despite the advent of new technologies such as cloud storage, tape backup remains a popular choice for many organizations due to its reliability, durability, and affordability. Tape backup is ideal for organizations that need to store significant amounts of data in a secure and cost-effective way. With tape backup, companies can create multiple copies of data and store them offsite for disaster recovery purposes. Tape backup also offers high capacity, with some tapes capable of storing up to 30 terabytes of data.

One of the main advantages of tape backup is its durability. Unlike hard disk drives (HDDs), which can fail due to mechanical issues, tape drives are designed to be more robust and withstand harsh environments. Tape backups can also be stored for decades without any degradation in quality, making it an ideal solution for long-term data storage.

Another advantage of tape backup is its affordability. Tape drives and tapes are generally less expensive than other types of storage media, such as solid-state drives (SSDs) and hard disk drives. This makes it an ideal solution for organizations that need to store large amounts of data but have limited budgets.

Reasons for Data Loss on Tape

Despite the advantages of tape backup, there are instances where data loss can occur. One of the main causes of data loss on tape is physical damage. Tapes can be damaged for various reasons, such as exposure to extreme temperatures, humidity, or water damage. This media can also be affected by wear and tear, especially if used frequently.

Another reason for data loss on tape is software corruption. Software corruption can occur due to malware or viruses, which can corrupt the data on the tape. If the tape drive is not properly maintained, software corruption can also occur, leading to data loss.

Hence, regardless of the many benefits that tape backup provides, it is also essential to treat it carefully. In another case, you will face a data loss situation like one of our clients. 

Recovering Data from a Water-Damaged Tape Backup

One of our clients, a large manufacturing company, recently suffered from a flood that affected their data center. All the data on their tape backup became inaccessible due to water damage. The company contacted us, PITS Global Data Recovery Services, for assistance in recovering their data.

Quantrum Tape Backup Recovered

Recovering data from a water-damaged tape backup is a complicated process which requires specialized knowledge and expertise. Our team of data recovery specialists carefully examined the tape to determine the extent of the damage. We used specialized equipment to remove the water and dry the device. Once the tape was dry, we carefully cleaned it to remove any debris or contaminants that may have been present.

After cleaning the tape, we used our tools to access data from LTO 6 external tape drive. The quantum LTO 6 tape is a high-capacity storage device that uses magnetic tape to store data. It offers random access, which means that data can be accessed quickly and easily. The quantum LTO 6 tape also provides capacity on demand, which means additional capacity can be added to the tape as needed.

Once we had access to the data, we carefully restored it to a new storage device. We verified the data to ensure all the files were intact and accessible. We scheduled a verification session with the client to ensure that all the required files were restored. The customer connected to our computer to view the files that our engineers restored. He checked these documents one by one and confirmed that all the high-priority files were recovered. After the confirmation, we transferred these files to external media and sent them back. Our client was very satisfied with the results and grateful to the team for its efficient and fast work.

Advantages of Choosing PITS Global Data Recovery Services

At PITS Global Data Recovery Services, we have extensive experience in tape data recovery. Our team of data recovery specialists has the expertise and knowledge to recover data from various types of storage media, including magnetic tape. We use specialized equipment and techniques to recover data from damaged tapes, ensuring your data is restored to its original state.

We understand the importance of data to businesses, and our goal is to provide our clients with the best possible service to minimize the impact of data loss. Our services also include disaster recovery, which is crucial when data is lost due to natural disasters or other unforeseen events. We offer quick turnaround times and provide 24/7 emergency services to ensure that your data is restored as quickly as possible.

In addition to our data recovery expertise, we prioritize data protection and security. We ensure that all data is handled securely and confidentially, and we adhere to strict privacy policies to protect our client’s sensitive information. We also use state-of-the-art security measures to prevent unauthorized access to our facility and equipment.

Certified & Accredited Data Recovery
99% Success Rate
50+ Locations Throughout the US
ISO Class 10 Cleanroom Recovery
Risk-Free Evaluation & Diagnostics
Flexible Service Options

Our company offers flexible options for our data recovery services. We understand that data loss can be a stressful experience, and we strive to provide solutions to meet our client’s needs, deadlines, and budgets. In addition, we offer risk-free evaluations and provide a detailed quote before beginning any work, ensuring transparency in our process.

Tape backup remains a popular choice for organizations that need to store large amounts of data in a secure and cost-effective way. However, data loss can occur due to various reasons, including physical damage and software corruption. Recovering data from a water-damaged tape backup is a complex process that requires deep knowledge and expertise.

At PITS Global Data Recovery Services, we have the expertise and knowledge to recover data from various types of storage media, including magnetic tape. We prioritize data protection and security and offer competitive pricing for our data recovery services. If you are experiencing data loss, contact us today.

Our highly-qualified engineers have years of experience dealing with various cases; yours will not be an exception. Get in touch with us by filling out the request form below, and our customer service representative will get back to you in no time. You can also call us at 888 611 0737 if you have any questions related to our tape recovery service; we will gladly provide you with answers.