Not Working Seagate External Drive Recovery
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Data loss can be a frustrating experience, especially when it involves important files and documents. In such situations, the services of a professional data recovery company become invaluable. Recently, PITS Global Data Recovery Services successfully recovered data from a not working Seagate external hard drive. This blog narrates the recovery process, highlighting the consultation with the client, evaluation of the device, recovery strategy selection, and verification session. 

Start of the Seagate External Drive Recovery

The client reached out to PITS Global Data Recovery Services over the phone, explaining that his Seagate external hard drive was not showing on his computer. The media had been working fine but suddenly stopped working. The client had tried to format Seagate with the hopes of fixing it but had been unsuccessful. 

Our representative provided the client with a comprehensive explanation of our data recovery process and how to send the drive to our lab. We informed the client about the importance of packaging the device carefully to avoid any physical damage and the need for the client to include a description of the problem and contact information in the package.

Seagate External Hard Drive Evaluation

As soon as the device arrived at our lab, we performed an evaluation to determine the state of the Seagate external hard drive. We connected the device to a computer and checked the device drivers to ensure they were installed correctly. We also used a different USB cable and tested it on other USB ports to rule out any issues with the cable or port. Unfortunately, the device was not detected by the computer..

Seagate 160GB External Drive Data Recovery

We then used a data recovery tool to examine the device. The tool detected the device, but the file system was showing as RAW, indicating that the device was not formatted or recognized by the operating system. We proceeded to check the disk management section to see if the drive letter and paths had changed. However, the drive was not showing up in the disk drives section. These tests confirmed that the Seagate external hard drive had suffered some form of physical damage.

We provided the client with an extensive report detailing the state of the Seagate external drive, the timing, and pricing information. The report indicated that the damage to the device required that we open it in a cleanroom to access the storage media safely. The process would involve replacing the faulty components with working ones to recover the lost data.

Our Seagate Hard Drive Recovery Process

The client approved the recovery process, and we proceeded to restore data from the Seagate external hard drive. We opened the device in a cleanroom, removed the storage media, and connected it to specialized equipment. Our technicians used data recovery tools to extract the data from the Seagate external hard drive. These tools are specifically designed to recover data from storage devices that have suffered physical damage. Our team also used cleanroom environments to ensure that the device was protected from dust and other contaminants that could further damage the device.

Seagate 160GB External Hard Drive Data Recovery

Once the data had been extracted, we performed a verification session to ensure all the files were accessible and in good condition. During this session, our client could review and approve his files. We then transferred the recovered data to a new storage device and delivered it to our client.

The successful recovery of data from a not working Seagate external hard drive by PITS Global Data Recovery Services is a testament to our commitment to providing professional and efficient data recovery services.

Our personalized approach, experienced engineers, access to cleanroom environments, and specialized equipment make us the go-to data recovery company for individuals and businesses that have lost data from their storage devices. We are committed to providing exceptional services that ensure our clients get their lost data back as soon as possible.

Benefits of Choosing Our Data Recovery

Choosing PITS Global Data Recovery Services has several advantages for those who have lost data from a Seagate external hard drive. Our experienced engineers use cutting-edge technology and techniques to recover data from external drives. We have a high success rate in Seagate data recovery. Thus, we pride ourselves on providing professional and efficient services.

Our engineers are trained to diagnose and recover data from storage devices that have suffered physical damage. We have access to a cleanroom environment where our technicians can open and repair the device safely. We also have specialized equipment that enables us to recover data from storage devices with complex issues.

Certified & Accredited Data Recovery
99% Success Rate
50+ Locations Throughout the US
ISO Class 10 Cleanroom Recovery
Risk-Free Evaluation & Diagnostics
Flexible Service Options

Data loss can be a stressful experience. However, choosing PITS Global Data Recovery Services ensures that you have access to professional data recovery services that use cutting-edge technology and techniques to recover lost data. Our team of experienced engineers is trained in external hard drives. We have a high success rate in Seagate data recovery, and we use a personalized approach to ensure that we recover all the lost data.

Start your data recovery process with our team by filling out the form below or calling our customer service line directly at 888 611 0737.