How to Prevent Ransomware in Your Business
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Nowadays, businesses are the number one target for ransomware attacks. Ransomware causes severe problems, including file inaccessibility, expanded work downtime, and many more. To avoid these consequences, essential to understand how to protect your system from them.

Understanding Ransomware

Ransomware is a kind of cyber-attack that compromises a data storage device via a malicious program. Ransomware encrypts the business data so the employees can no longer access it. The attack stops the business from operating by removing access to all the valuable files. It typically spreads to other computers in the network, damaging all the servers. 

The attackers demand a ransom to access all your vital files. However, paying a ransom is often not an option, as there is no guarantee that your data will be restored. In many cases, a data system is not fully recovered after a ransomware attack.

Is Paying the Ransom the Right Choice?

Ransomware is a malicious cyberattack orchestrated by criminals. Its prevalence and seriousness have risen in recent years, with threat actors targeting victims’ files, systems, and networks to extort ransom payments.

One common dilemma faced by businesses when dealing with ransomware is whether to pay the ransom or not. While spending may seem like the quickest and easiest solution to regain access to their data, experts advise against it. Here are some reasons why paying the ransom may not be the right choice:

It Encourages Further Attacks

Paying the ransom reinforces the profitability of ransomware attacks for hackers. This can lead to more frequent and targeted attacks on your business in the future. By refusing to pay, you are taking away the incentive for hackers to continue their malicious activities.

No Guarantee of Data Retrieval

There have been cases where businesses have paid the ransom but still have yet to receive the promised decryption key or have their data fully restored. This is because hackers are not obligated to follow through with their end of the deal. They may take the money and run, leaving you with both encrypted data and a drained bank account.

Jigsaw Ransomware Attacks

Supporting Criminal Activities

By paying the ransom, businesses are essentially funding criminal activities. The money goes towards financing future attacks and other illegal activities, contributing to the overall growth of cybercrime.

Rather than facing the dilemma of whether to pay a ransom, it is far more advisable for businesses to focus on preventing ransomware attacks. Implementing robust ransomware prevention measures can significantly reduce the risk of becoming a victim.

Safeguards Against Ransomware Attacks

Strong Password Security

A password system requires strong attention to protect your business from external damage. Hackers can easily guess the password and get unauthorized access to your valuable data, causing a data breach. You can employ multi-factor authentication to make the login process more complicated and impossible for people outside your enterprise.

Security Awareness Training

A considerable number of ransomware attacks occur due to human errors. Your workers can be your weakest spot and, unknowingly, insert ransomware into your system via phishing emails. Familiarizing your employees with the standards to prevent ransomware is vital. With staff training, your organization will avoid a ransomware attack.

Control Access to Data

It is also important to manage access to your confidential information. Estimating which files your employees need can help you protect your data. Access management is a security measure that controls who can view data, preventing unauthorized employees from accessing it. This lowers the risk of insider threats and data breaches.

Constant Monitoring

With a robust information technology system, your business can monitor the data system 24/7. This way, as soon as any danger occurs on the horizon, dealing with it will not be a problem. Hence, with constant monitoring of your data storage system, you will successfully prevent any ransomware attack.

Designing Disaster Recovery

Often, ransomware attacks occur without exfiltrating data before encrypting it. So, your organization can easily extract all the required data from a backup as soon as an attack occurs. By customizing a disaster recovery and backup plan for your needs, you can avoid all the consequences of ransomware.

By following these steps, you can avoid ransomware infections successfully. It is essential to perform these actions according to your company’s requirements. This way, you will achieve the most efficient protection against ransomware.

However, there is always a threat of being affected by a ransomware attack and losing all the files. In this case, PITS Global Data Recovery Services can help you.

Our Solutions for Ransomware Attacks

PITS Global Data Recovery Services offers solutions for individuals and enterprises facing a ransomware attack. Our skilled specialists encrypt data from hard drives, servers, RAIDs, NAS devices, and other media types.

Our team has a way to deal with any type of malware infection and can assist you with stopping ransomware attacks.

We are continuously developing our techniques and are able to find an approach to any encryption.

PITS Global provides clients with individual services and works on any type of device and operating system with the highest level of security.

We understand the importance of confidentiality for our clients. Hence, our team does everything to secure sensitive data, as our customer’s safety is our priority. We guarantee that your documents are completely protected when working with us.

Get in touch with our experts by calling (855).967.3984 or filling out the request help form. Our team supports the highest service level and is ready to help our clients with any data loss scenario. We also provide a security strategy so cyber threats can no longer affect your performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ransomware can be prevented by ensuring regular backups of critical data, keeping software and security systems updated, and educating employees about the risks of phishing emails and malicious attachments. Implementing strong email filters and using reputable antivirus and anti-malware solutions can also significantly reduce the risk. Lastly, establishing a robust security policy and protocol for the entire organization helps in minimizing vulnerabilities that hackers could exploit.

Ransomware can infiltrate a computer via phishing emails with harmful attachments, taking advantage of software weaknesses or drive-by downloads, where individuals unintentionally download a malicious file from a compromised site.

If your business is targeted by ransomware, isolate the impacted systems from the network immediately to stop the malware from spreading. Then, consult with cybersecurity experts to analyze the attack and explore recovery options. It’s also important to notify law enforcement.

To protect against ransomware, companies should regularly back up critical data, keep software and security systems updated, educate employees about the risks of phishing emails and malicious attachments, and implement strong email filters. Conducting regular cybersecurity audits can also help identify any vulnerabilities in the system that hackers could potentially exploit.

Antivirus software can protect against many types of malware, including ransomware. However, new ransomware variants are constantly being developed, so it’s crucial to keep your antivirus software up to date and combine it with other cybersecurity measures for comprehensive protection.